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Yoga’s of Overseas Journey or Settlement

Yoga’s of Overseas Journey or Settlement

Yoga’s of Overseas Journey or Settlement or chances of going abroad horoscope.

Life is the name of continuous progress and progress. Life is a work field that takes you to different places. These trips can be confined to a limited area or even remote. In ancient times, people used to worship for their knowledge and self-study. That is why it is said-

यस्तु संचरेत देशान, यस्तु सेवेत पंडितान।

तस्य विस्तारिता बुद्धिस्तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भ्सी

That is, a person who want travels to different countries and has connections with scholars increases his intellect in the same way that an oil droplet spreads on water.

According to Career Astrologer in Gurgaon, the special position of planets in the horoscope tells about the possibility of traveling abroad. The eighth house, ninth, seventh, twelfth house of the native's horoscope create the possibility of traveling abroad. From these horoscope, it can be ascertained whether your chances of going abroad will be there in life or not.

What does the horoscope mean?

The third house of the horoscope indicates the yatras. The eighth house in the horoscope is considered as a symbol of sea travel. The analysis of the seventh and ninth sense indicates the possibility of distant foreign visits or trade and long migration in those countries. These expressions are studied and analysed for the analysis of the business and job potential of the native (Career Astrologer in Gurgaon and Dwarka).

Ascendant house and travel abroad

  • If the lagna and 7th lord in Aries ascendant are situated together in any sense or they have mutual vision relationship, then there is a possibility of traveling abroad.
  • If there is presence of Saturn in the eighth house of Aries Ascendant and 12th lord is strong then the native travels abroad.
  • If in the form of fixed foreign travel, Aries Lagna, Lagnesh and 9th lord are in their respective places or there is a change of location in them, then there is a strong possibility of traveling abroad.
  • In the eighth house of Aries Ascendant, Saturn makes frequent trips to the native.

Yoga’s of Overseas / abroad travel after marriage famous astrologer in Gurgaon, top astrologers in delhi, best career astrologer in delhi,

If there is a relationship between the seventh house and the seventh house of the horoscope of the native in the yoga of traveling abroad after marriage, or if their owners also have a relationship among themselves, then after the marriage, the native's travel abroad has the sum. It may also hide his reason for marrying a person of foreign origin. According to astrologers, even if a person marries a person of foreign origin, it is considered as traveling abroad. 

Travel abroad for studies (Best Career Astrologer in Gurgaon)

In the horoscope of the native to go abroad for studies, if there are relations between fifth and outside or their owners, then there are chances of going abroad for studies. However, it cannot be determined how long the trip will be abroad.

Travel abroad for business or job (Career Astrologer in Gurgaon and Dwarka)

If there is a relationship between the tenth and the outer house of the native's horoscope or even among their owners, then the native's business and job become the sum of the foreigner.

Chances of going abroad horoscope best astrologer in Dwarka delhi, astrologer in delhi ncr, top astrologer in Gurgaon,

The study of the various planetary expressions of the horoscope and their auspicious inauspicious defects can be analysed by experts. With this analysis, the chances of progress in life can be increased by removing the defect of your inauspicious planets.

For more information related to astrology, contact Best Famous Astrologer in Dwarka, Gurgoan and Delhi NCR, Acharya V Shastri: + 91-9205722942