Health Remedies

Since the topic of the day is related to "Medical astrology" hence I will restrict this article for the medical astrology purpose only. Before moving on proper subject I would like to highlight the Marvels Of Vedic Astrology in foretelling, well in advance, that when an individual is likely to suffer from a specific disease provided an accurate horoscope is provided and ample time is given to the astrologer to do the homework. The most significant point to remember here is that when a native is warned well in advance that he or she is going to suffer from a specific type of disease, one can take the precautionary measure before the time one is going to suffer.
To pinpoint the area of affliction an astrologer requires great skill, proper knowledge of subject, diligence and sincerity on the part of astrologer as well as consultant. To pinpoint a specific disease one is going to suffer from and that too well in advance is not possible for a well versed physician or a renowned surgeon even. A medical specialist can arrive at the final conclusion only after the disease has struck and patient comes with some problem and after that he or she is required to undergo a series of various types of medical tests but and eminent astrologer who is well conversant with astrology has the ability to forewarn about it well in advance by going through the horoscope and using his/her skills. Now we shall discuss the parameters required to decipher a horoscope and these will be discussed step by step.
Lagna and Lagna Lord
The most important house in any chart/horoscope is the 1st house or the lagna along with lagna lord. Thus 1st house or the lagna is the foundation of any horoscope which withstands the impact of all the remaining 11 houses. Hence it is a boon to have a strong lagna and lagna lord. The first house of an horoscope is known as ascendant or the lagna. It is further termed as "Tanu Bhava" since it depicts the personality and all about the well being of any native. Each house of a horoscope signify so many things but as earlier stated that this paper is meant for medical astrology we shall restrict our self to the body parts as indicated by various houses and that too in a short form and these are as under:
First House Body in general, head, brain and complexion. Second House: Face, Mouth, Teeth, Speech, Right eye in case of male and left eye in case of females. Third House: Throat, Right ear, Neck, Shoulders, Right arm etc. Fourth House : Chest, Lungs and Breast. Fifth House: Upper abdomen, Heat and Mind. Sixth House: Midgut, Lower abdomen, Kidneys etc. Seventh House: Umbilical region, Pelvis, Internal urinary tract. Eighth House: External Genitalia, Rectum etc. Ninth House: Hip Joint and Thighs. Tenth House: Knee joint and Patella. Eleventh House: Legs, Left ear and Left arm Twelfth House: Feet, left eye in case of males and right eye in case of females etc. This is a shorter form of list of various body parts. As a matter of astrological principles the house which contains its own lord and lord of lagna that house as well as the body parts as indicated by that house remain intact and healthy.
Navamsha is one of the most important divisional chart. It is one ninth division of lagna and planets as well. Since the span of one navamsha is equivalent 3"20' which is exactly equal to one quarter of a nakshatra. Because of nakshatra's importance in predictive astrology, navamasha is equally important due to its span of its extension arc is just equivalent to one quarter/charan of nakshatra. Navamsha chart is most important amongst all the divisional charts hence it has been always advocated that a natal chart should always be studied along with the navamsha chart. For medical astrology purposes 64th navamsha is most important which falls in the 8th house from the natal Moon, however some classics advocate that 64th navamsha should be reckoned from the natal ascendant as well. The lord of 64th navamsha is considered as a fatal one in case a fatal dasha is operational but in case of a favourable dasha this lord during its major period or bhukti will bring in ill health. The quantum of seriousness of disease depends upon so many things.
Drekkana is one tenth division of natal ascendant and planets as well. The extension arc of each Drekkana is 10° hence each house contains three Drekkanas. Here again the 22nd Drekkana is considered fatal. Drekkana and this 22nd Drekkana again fall in the 8th house from the natal ascendant.
It is customary to cite the term affliction for adverse inferences on a house or a planet. In case a specific house, its lord and the relevant significator suffers affliction the body part as signified by that very house and significator tends to suffer. The intensity of damage depends upon the strength or weakness of the house, the house lord and the significator. In general a house is considered afflicted when it is
- Occupied by a malefic planet.
- Aspected by a malefic planet.
- Owned by a malefic planet.
- Cusp of house ruled by a malefic planet.
Same way a planet, house lord and the significator gets afflicted whenever it is :
- All the above three suffer affliction whenever these are associated with a malefic planet/planets.
- All the three suffer affliction whenever these are aspected by malefic planet / planets.
- All the three or two out of three are placed in any of trik bhavas viz 6th , 8th or 12" or associated with the lords of these trik bhavas.
- Placed in the signs owned by malefic planet / planets.
- Placed in the nakshatras of planet/planets who have lordship over these evil houses.
On the contrary a house, house lord and significator is considered strong when it is:
Placed in its own house/sign or its sign of exaltation.
- A vargottama planet has an edge over a planet in its own sign.
- If these are associated with benefic planet/planets.
- If these are aspected by benefic planets.
- Associated with auspicious houses by placement or by conjunction with the lords of auspicious houses.
- The said planets occupy auspicious houses in navamansha chart.
Almost each and every astrologer has a great respect for the 11th house whenever it comes into picture. However experience shows otherwise viz. The 11th lord, planet placed in the 11th house or the planet/planets associated with the 11th lord do give the native financial gains or professional elevation but at the same time they give serious health related problems during their major or sub period. 11th house being 6th from the 6th is an epicenter of serious illness.
No rule is valid or complete until it is applied in real life. Hence to prove the validity of "Marvels Of Vedic Astrology" we shall discuss a real life horoscope. In the exampled case on the basis of planetary position and using various tools available in year 2003 the native was strictly warned that he is going to suffer from some serious eyes related problem in the month of October 2005 and just look at the correctness of prediction pinpointing a specific disease which, I presume, is not possible for the best available physician or surgeon.
- Lagna Gemini rises at 12deg.17mnts in Hasta nakshatra whose ruler is Moon
- Lord of Lagna Viz. Mercury is placed in 10th house, best Kendra in any horoscope.
- Apparently Mercury is placed in sign of debilitation but gets its debilitation cancelled by being in its own nakshatra viz. Revati.
- Thus lagna by being in the middle of house (Madhya Bhava) is strong.
- Lord of lagna by being in best Kendra is also powerful
As per the rules of astrology please observe as under:
- For a day born native the Sun in 11 th house removes crores of doshas, these are the views of Sage Garga. In this case the rule applies.
- Malefics viz. Mars, the Sun, Saturn and Rahu/Ketu are appreciated if they are placed in houses 3rd, 6th or 11 th and in this case Mars is placed in 3rd, Ketu in 6th while the Sun is placed in 11th house. The Sun is exalted over here.
- Lord of 3rd has exchanged its sign with the lord of 11th viz. Mars and the Sun. Thus giving strength to the horoscope.
- When a planet is placed in its own sign its second sign gets strengthened.
These are the views of great Parashara. In this case Saturn is occupying its Mooltrikona sign in the best trine viz.9th house, while Venus is occupying its own sign in 12th house thus giving strength to 5th house which having its Mooltrikona sign. Every classic writes that irrespective of sign rising in ascendant Venus is appreciated in 12th house.
- Whenever a planet aspects its own sign significations of that very house increase. Here Mercury, lord of lagna is aspecting its own sign in the 4th house thus giving strength to the 1 st and 4th house.
- The Moon is occupying its own sign in the 2nd house thus giving strength to the 2nd house. Further this Moon is Pakshabali strong. These are all the positive points present in the horoscope which made the native a powerful person. But here the point of discussion is medical astrology based hence we shall deal with those points only. Houses related to eyes are 2nd and 12th . Planets related to eyes (significators) The Sun, The Moon and Venus. 2nd house are occupied by its own lord viz. the Moon but this Moon and 2nd house is under the aspect of Moon's worst enemy viz. Ketu and that too from 6th house, the house of disease. 12th house is occupied by its own lord viz. Venus, another karaka for eyesight, is being afflicted by Rahu due to association, by Ketu's aspect and by the association of Jupiter, though the best benefic, but a maaraka due to lordship over the 7th house and above all a badhaka planet for this lagana. The Sun, though very well placed, has been spoiled by a very powerful Saturn. Saturn is the worst enemy of the Sun and the natural karaka of disease. Thus the 2nd house, lord of 2nd, 12th house,. lord of 12th and all the kaarkas viz.. the Moon, the Sun and Venus are heavily afflicted in the natal chart.
In navamsha the Moon and Venus are the worst sufferers since both are being aspected by Saturn and Rahu while Ketu is conjunct with them. The Sun is under the aspect of Rahu.
The Sun is aspected by exalted Saturn while the Moon is under the aspect of Ketu while Venus is placed in the 8th house and it is being aspected by Rahu.
At the time when disease was diagnosed Saturn was transiting over the natal Moon in the 2nd house. This transiting Saturn was aspecting the Sun by its 10th aspect. Rahu was in sign Pisces while Ketu was transiting in Virgo. Rahu was aspecting the 2nd house as well Moon while Ketu was aspecting 12th house and Venus as well. This malefic transiting effect on the relevant houses, planets and significators flared up the disease.
Thus all the relevant houses as well as relevant planets suffer heavy affliction.
DASA AND Bhukti:
Native was under the major period of the Sun, occupying 11th house, thus 11th house also played its role. Saturn's bhukti started on 28th January 2005 and it was a sub-sub period of Rahu the native felt some problem with his vision. On visiting a highly qualified eye specialist and after undergoing so many tests it was finally declared that the native is suffering from serious eye trouble. He is still under medication.
Astrology can warn well in advance about the outcome of calamities whereas this is not possible in medical science. Minor ailments can be cured by remedial measure. But in case of major ailments if the concerned person pays heed to the advice of an astrologer one can get relief.